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Another set of possible color palettes

This post is an extension to the previous one What are Triadic and Tetradic Color Palettes and How to Use Them. It will explore further types of palettes, also known as harmonies in color theory, and...

Creating an OKLCH generator tool

This code started as an exercise in ChatGPT prompt generation and a way to explore what we can do with OKLCH colors. It uses vanilla Javascript and deliberately avoids using libraries like Chroma.js...

Even More Array Methods

The ECMAScript specification gained a new set of methods for the Array object. These methods work on copies of the original array rather than modifying the original array directly. There are other...

Reading on the Web

This post will look at two areas related to reading online: How people read online How to determine optimal font sizes? Is there such a thing? If people scan the content of your page, what font size...

A declarative web?

Jeremy Keith recently published Declarative design on his blog. The premise of the post is that there are two divergent ways to think about web design and building web content, encapsulated by these...

Tagged Template Literals

Among the large number of new features in ES6/ES2015 are Template Literals/Strings. These are backtick "`" enclosed expressions that allow for multiline expressions and string interpolations...

Playing with CSS Selectors

CSS has evolved significantly over the last few years. Some of these changes deal with a set of selectors known as the functional pseudo-classes. The :not() pseudo-class has been around for a while...

Disable Javascript

I am not going to rehash the "people don't disable Javascript" debate. Most of the time Javascript is enabled and everything is good. However, having Javascript enabled doesn't mean that...

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