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The Publishing Project

Comparing compression methods

Compression has been around for a long time, and it's a key part of web performance. In this post, we'll compare three popular compression methods: GZip, Brotli, and Zstd. We will first look at each...

Balancing text in CSS

The different values for text-wrap provide reading experience enhancements for headings and long-form text. This post will look at two values for the text-wrap property: balance and pretty. text-wrap:...

Design for bad performance

A somewhat contrarian view on designing websites is to design for bad performance. This post will explore the idea of how designing for bad performance can lead to better user experiences. Credit...

Evaluating browser support

Talking about web browser support for a given CSS or Javascript is deceptively simple. This post will explore a definition of browser support, different strategies to support a feature accross...

Custom Media Queries

When working with media queries is that we can't reuse media queries. A naive approach is to define the value as a CSS variable in the :root pseudo-class. :root { --width: 20em; } And then use the...

text-trim in CSS

This post will discuss leading, how to control it in CSS and the new text-box-trim property. Leading is the space between blocks of text; the term comes from the strips of lead that were used to...

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