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What is semantic markup and why it's important


A lot of times we'll hear about semantic markup and its importance on one hand and how you can create really odd or broken markup and it will still render in browsers.

The example that still catches my attention. People say that this is valid HTML:

  <title>demo page</title>
  <h1>Demo Page Title</h1>
  <p>Content goes here</p>

It is not valid HTML. It relies on the backward compatibility requirements of modern browsers regarding broken HTML content.

Chrome, for example, will insert the missing elements to make the page render correctly. This is how Chrome will show the page in DevTools:

    <title>demo page</title>
    <h1>Demo Page Title</h1>
    <p>Content goes here</p>

So this is the first reason why semantic markup is important. Browsers will do what they can to fully render the page so it would work best if we were to write the complete code for the elements we want without taking shortcuts.

A second, and related, issue with semantic HTML is using the correct element for a given situation.

When you create semantic elements in your document the browser gives you affordances like:

  • Search engines will consider its contents as important keywords to influence the page's search rankings (see SEO)
  • Screen readers can use it as a signpost to help visually impaired users navigate a page
  • Finding blocks of meaningful code is significantly easier than searching through endless divs with or without semantic or namespaced classes
  • Suggests to the developer the type of data that will be populated
  • Semantic naming mirrors proper custom element/component naming

Just by looking at the element below, we know what it is and what its purpose on the page is.

<h1>Page title</h1>

You could also create your own element that will look like an h1 element but you lose all the advantages that the premade buttons get.

<span style="font-size: 32px; margin: 21px 0;">Not a top-level heading!</span>

<!-- Or -->

<span class="h1-heading">Not a top-level heading!</span>

You should always use a predefined element where one is available. The div and span elements should only be used when there is no predefined element available.

Whenever you're looking at the structure of a page you should always look at where semantic elements would be the most appropriate.

For more information see Semantic HTML5 Elements Explained

When is a button not a button #

Most of the time we will see buttons coded like this:


But we also see people coding buttons like this:


This could be used as a button but, as it is, lacks a lot of affordances that we'd get from a standard button element.

Some of the things you'd have to fix to make this "button" more accessible are.

Roles #

div elements are neutral, they don't represent anything in particular so, if we want to assign a given role to a div element you need to be explicit about it.


This role is dependent on the functionality that you want to emulate. There is a full list of ARIA roles in MDN.

Keyboard navigation and Focus Management #

The button element can be tabbed into and can be activated by pressing the enter or space keys.

Since our div "button" is not an actual button then it's up to developers to make sure that the div works the same as a native button.

tabindex #

The tabindex attribute controls whether a user can tab through the element. It has three possible values:

  • -1: prevents navigation through the element using the keyboard. The element can still be accessed programmatically
  • 0: Allows the element to be navigated via the keyboard
  • > 1: The element will be navigated after all elements with 0 value and those with lower positive values.
    • tabindex="4" is focused before tabindex="5" and tabindex="0", but after tabindex="3". If multiple elements share the same positive tabindex value, they are focused in document order
    • Do not use values greater than 0 in tabindex. They will make it harder for people using assistive technologies to navigate your documents

The button now looks like this:


event handling #

Using tabindex allows users to tab into the document but that's not enough.

We can usually click on a button with a pointer device and activate it with either the space or enter keys. Since we're not using the native button element we need to handle both clicks and keyboard navigation events.

We are also futureproofing the code by handling as many buttons as there are on the page.

We capture a reference to the buttons using querySelectorAll

We use the spread syntax to create an array of our buttons and then feed it to the forEach method in which we add the necessary events to each button.

The doSomething function is where the code we want to execute will run. The function will get updated when we look at ARIA attributes.

const buttons = document.querySelectorAll(".button");

[...buttons].forEach((button) => {
  button.addEventListener("pointerdown", doSomething);
  button.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => {
    if (event.key == "Enter" || event.key == " ") {

function doSomething() {
  alert("Button activation event, do something");

ARIA States and Properties #

In addition to the aria-role attribute we added earlier, there are other that we may want to add to our custom button.

If the button is a toggle button, the aria-pressed attribute tells assistive technology whether a button is pressed or not. Since we created a custom button, we need to explicitly set the attribute in the HTML element.


We then modify the doSomething function to toggle the value of the property on interaction (pointer or keyboard-bassed).

  1. set the default for the aria-pressed attribute to false.
  2. We the attribute we created in an if/else statement
    1. If the aria-pressed is true we set it to false using setAttribute; otherwise, we set it to true.
function doSomething(button) {
  let pressed = button.getAttribute('aria-pressed') === 'false';

  if (pressed) {
    button.setAttribute('aria-pressed', 'true');
  } else {
    button.setAttribute('aria-pressed', 'false')

Styling #

Because a div element has no style of its own and we want to make it look like a button, we have to do it explicitly.

The button has two selectors. The .button selector handles the default state for all elements with the class

.button {
  border: 3px solid limegreen;
  border-radius: 15px;
  width: 5em;
  padding: 0.25em;
  text-align: center;

.button:focus handles when a specific element with the class .button gets focus.

.button:focus {
  outline: none;
  box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px #006ae3;

Final result #

The final, working code, can be seen in this Codepen:

This is one example of what we can do with one type of button. Other elements may have other accessibility requirements that need to be implemented in Javascript and CSS.

The ARIA Authoring Practices provides tools to create accessible widgets. The patterns section is significant when figuring out how to code our own widgets.

No ARIA is better than bad ARIA

The article discusses why not using ARIA is better than using ARIA incorrectly and how it can degrade the way assistive technology works on your pages.

Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.1

Describes the technical aspect of building Accessible Rich Internet Applications

Provides definitions of ARIA roles, states, and properties, and focus management

WCAG 2 Overview
Introduces the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 as the current version of accepted practices to create accessible content.
This is different from ARIA in that it doesn't directly define the structure of a document but it handles content, broadly defined as: Natural information such as text, images, and sounds, code or markup that defines the structure, presentation, etc.
There is a WCAG 2.2 Candidate Recommendation that is expected to become a recommendation in December 2022
WCAG 3 Introduction
WCAG 3 is the next generation of the W3C accessibility guidelines
The release date is uncertain

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