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I can use Google Earth Web and get the satellite image. I can’t get detailed resolution and the satellite image I get doesn’t show anything about the current war on either side.

If it has been disabled, do you know who asked Google to disable satellite imagery? You’re assuming it was Google’s decision when it might not have been. [1]

Unclassified or commercial satellite imagery is not good enough for you to be able to see what’s going on in the ground, it is also very expensive. You’d need aircraft-generated imagery to get to high-resolution images. The reasons why that is not possible in a war zone should be obvious

+ C to copy on mac and + C to copy on windows

Google doesn’t provide satellite imagery in real-time so, even if they haven’t disabled the service, it won’t do you much good to analyze what’s going on in the conflict. [2]

  1. Number 1
  2. Number 2
  3. Number 3

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It works so much better when you do your research before engaging in arguments


It works so much better when you do your research before engaging in arguments


It works so much better when you do your research before engaging in arguments

Do your research

It works so much better when you do your research before engaging in arguments


It works so much better when you do your research before engaging in arguments


It works so much better when you do your research before engaging in arguments


Let's see how fast she can go...

Punch it


It works so much better when you do your research before engaging in arguments


It works so much better when you do your research before engaging in arguments

Even their Pro service, Google Earth Pro doesn’t provide real-time images:

You can see a large collection of imagery in Google Earth, including satellite, aerial, 3D, and Street View images. Images are collected over time from providers and platforms. Images aren't in real time, so you won't see live changes.

Source: How images are collected

In what other situations has Google disabled map’s satellite views that upset you? Is there any other map provider that would give you the same service you expect from Google Maps or Google Earth?

  1. I consider this to be unnecessary argument but since you continue to hammer points that make no sense... oh well ↩︎

  2. It should also be obvious that street trafic is not satellite imagery but oh, well... ↩︎

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