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Tagged “Web”

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Basic Performance Analysis (4) - User perception

Most of the time we measure the time it takes for a page to load, the number of requests, the size of the assets, etc. But we often forget that the user's perception of performance is not always...

Basic Performance Analysis (3) - Lighthouse

This post will explore what is Lighthouse, how to use Lighthouse in Chrome DevTools and Pagespeed Insights and some of its drawbacks and benefits. What is Lighthouse? # Lighthouse is an open-source,...

Basic Performance Analysis (2) - Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals are the subset of Web Vitals that apply to all web pages, should be measured by all site owners, and will be surfaced across all Google tools. This post will explore Coree Web Vitals,...

Basic Performance Analysis (1) - WebPageTest

Performance has become a very important part of the development process. It is not always easy to do and it's even harder to do it right. This post will cover some basics of performance as I...

Compressing video is more than taking bits out

I've always been interested in video compression, particularly on how it works for the web. This post will cover these areas: Terminology necessary to understand the commands we will use What codecs...

What is a URL? Why it matters

Whether we know it or not we work with URLs all the time. Whenever we enter a web address into the browser's omni-bar, click on a link on a web page or click on an email link, all those are...

What Is Baseline?

If you use or MDN, you may have seen blocks indicating baseline availability like those in Figures 1 and 2. Baseline message as shown on Baseline message as it appears on MDN So what...

Progressive Enhancement versus Graceful Degradation - We're missing something

This article made me think, again, about one of the eternal battles of the web: Graceful Degradation versus Progressive Enhancement but it also made me think about something new. I'm all for Graceful...

A declarative web?

Jeremy Keith recently published Declarative design on his blog. The premise of the post is that there are two divergent ways to think about web design and building web content, encapsulated by these...

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