Tagged “Layout”
--- desc: ---It appears that the CSS Working Group has decided to add masonry layouts as part of the CSS Grid Level 3 specification. IMO this sucks but it appears to be a done deal that will hurt developers in the...
Even after all these years, I've struggled to understand the difference between auto-fill and auto-fit values when used in creating grid layouts. The easiest way to create a grid of equal columns is...
Rather than using media queries to control the dimensions of an element, we can use the clamp to accomplish the same task with less code. According to MDN: The clamp() CSS function clamps a middle...
There is an interesting discussion going on about masonry layouts and how they should be added to the web platform. This post will analyze the different proposals and then express an opinion as to...
The picture element was added to the HTML specification as part of the responsive images effort. This post will dive into the picture, source and img elements along with the srcset property and...
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