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Revisiting Images For The Web


It's been a while since I've looked at image formats supported on web browsers. The last time I did, AVIF had recently been introduced and Apple had announced support for WebP in Safari and operating systems.

At the time we also had Squoosh as a command line application that could be incorporated directly into Gulp build systems.

The baseline for this post is a series of posts I wrote in 2020: Revisiting Image Formats for the Web and Image Formats for the Web: HEIC and AVIF

But times change.

Squoosh CLI is no longer maintained by the Chrome team due to people leaving the team and fewer people to do the work.

AVIF is now supported in all major browsers

Data on support for the AVIF feature across the major browsers from

WebP is now fully supported in all browsers

Data on support for the WebP feature across the major browsers from

JpegXL has partial support. Only Safari and Firefox (behind a flag) support the image format.

Chromium removed support for the format citing lack of support in other browsers. They haven't restored it and I'm dubious that they will with AVIF and WebP available.

Data on support for the JPEGXL feature across the major browsers from

I also considered HEIF, based on HEVC, but it is only supported in Safari so, at this time, I will skip it as a supported format.

Data on support for the HEIF feature across the major browsers from

To me, these evolutions present these questions:

  1. What should we replace Squoosh with?
  2. Which of the modern formats (AVIF and WebP) should we use?
  3. Should we even bother with JPEG-XL?
  4. Should we still provide a JPG or PNG backup?

What should we replace Squoosh with? #

Since we no longer have access to Squoosh's CLI we have to figure out what to replace it with.

ImageMagick provides a variety of tools that we will use in these tests:

  • Resize the TIFF original to a common size
  • Convert the resized TIFF file to the appropriate format
  • SSIM and DSSIM comparisons between images

It is a command line available in macOS, Linux and Windows (through WSL).

The scripts in this post are written in macOS (Ventura 13.6.5) and run in Bash 5.2.26 installed via Homebrew.

The scripts on this page should run on Linux and WSL using the same or later versions of Bash.

Evaluating formats #

I will use the same set of test images that I used four years ago.

The process is as follows:

  1. For each image, resize it to 800px x 800px
  2. Convert the image to each target format (JpegXL, WebP, AVIF, PNG and JPG)
  3. Compare each image with the original using SSIM

The Basic Commands #

The first thing to do is to resize the image to a common format so SSIM will work when doing the comparison.

Since we want to preserve the aspect ratio for the image, the size may not remain 800x800 but all images will be the same size.

convert original.tif -resize 800x800 original-resized.tif

The other essential command will convert the TIFF image to a different format. Without any customizations, the command looks like this.

convert original-resized.tif original-converted.{format}

Using Source-Images/emporium_hi_res.tif as the source images, the conversion commands would look like this when run from the root of the project directory:

convert Source-Images/emporium_hi_res.tif emporium_hi_res.jxl
convert Source-Images/emporium_hi_res.tif emporium_hi_res.avif
convert Source-Images/emporium_hi_res.tif emporium_hi_res.webp
convert Source-Images/emporium_hi_res.tif emporium_hi_res.png
convert Source-Images/emporium_hi_res.tif emporium_hi_res.jpg

Automating The Process: All Default Values #

Rather than type the values manually every time we want to run the tests, I've written a Bash shell script to automate the process.

It takes the full path to the image we want to convert as its parameter.

The script does the following:

  1. Creates an array of the formats that we want to work with
  2. Capture the first argument into a variable
  3. Removes the file extension
  4. Resizes the image and renames it using the file name from step 3 and appends the string -resized.tif
  5. Loops through the formats array and converts the resized file into the corresponding format
#! /usr/bin/env bash

# 1
formats=(jxl webp avif png jpg)

# 2

# 3
intermediate="$(b=${source##*/}; echo ${b%.*})"

# 4
echo "Resizing image"
convert $source -resize 800x800  $intermediate-resized.tif

echo "Starting conversion"

# 5. Loops through the formats
for format in ${formats[@]}
  echo "Converting to $format"
  # Run the imagemagick conversion command
  convert $intermediate-resized.tif $intermediate.$format

Making It Executable #

Before we can run the script we need to make it executable, able to run from the command line.

In a terminal go to the directory where you stored the script and run the following command

chmod +x

Then you run the script passing the source image as the parameter

./ image-source/image.tif

First Round of Testing #

This first round of testing is done with high-quality TIFF source images. I am less interested in the purity of the test and more in the format that produces the smallest file size.

All the conversions use their default settings. We'll address this in the following sections.

I've chosen not to link to the images to play nice with mobile users.

Results for USS_California_at_1927_naval_review_NARA_19-LC-19C
Format Size in Bytes Readable Size
tif 493862 482.29KB
jxl 69763 68.13KB
webp 25202 24.61KB
avif 14108 13.78KB
png 239163 233.56KB
jpg 97982 95.69KB
Results for geisha_hi_res
Format Size in Bytes Readable Size
tif 1440372 1.37MB
jxl 63999 62.50KB
webp 30038 29.33KB
avif 16900 16.50KB
png 637704 622.76KB
jpg 133194 130.07KB
Results for STSCI-H-p2022a-f-4398x3982
Format Size in Bytes Readable Size
tif 1768598 1.69MB
jxl 64777 63.26KB
webp 33026 32.25KB
avif 25719 25.12KB
png 616645 602.19KB
jpg 119306 116.51KB
Results for honey_coffee_hi_res
Format Size in Bytes Readable Size
tif 1181172 1.13MB
jxl 104873 102.42KB
webp 61484 60.04KB
avif 41495 40.52KB
png 727316 710.27KB
jpg 204992 200.19KB

Automating The Process (2): Tweaks For Flexibility #

In the cases tested, AVIF produced a smaller file size than any of the other formats tested. What happens if we move on to a more common scenario where we don't get to dictate the format of the source images we want to convert?

Another issue is the image quality for each format. We used default settings for all of them and that may not produce optimal results. Furthermore, values are not the same for all formats so we'll have to do further testing to see which value is better for each format.

For this test, we did not resize the image. They will all be the same size as the original and that will inflate the file sizes.

Results for STScI-H-p2031b-f-3379x3005 at different quality settings
Format Quality Size in Bytes Readable Size
tif 13876396 13.23MB
jxl 30 255997 250.00KB
40 283045 276.41KB
50 318580 311.11KB
60 366263 357.68KB
70 456299 445.60KB
80 607619 593.38KB
90 1014716 990.93KB
webp 30 214566 209.54KB
40 244326 238.60KB
50 278638 272.11KB
60 311490 304.19KB
70 353038 344.76KB
80 468166 457.19KB
90 918646 897.12KB
avif 30 116856 114.12KB
40 155702 152.05KB
50 211870 206.90KB
60 310441 303.17KB
70 421590 411.71KB
80 619039 604.53KB
90 1342169 1.28MB
png 30 13567319 12.94MB
40 12606320 12.02MB
50 12583934 12.00MB
60 12503260 11.92MB
70 12424496 11.85MB
80 12288407 11.72MB
90 12269817 11.70MB
jpg 30 355049 346.73KB
40 421436 411.56KB
50 490426 478.93KB
60 569025 555.69KB
70 699382 682.99KB
80 918249 896.73KB
90 1812574 1.73MB

The source for unsplash05 is a JPG file so I'm wondering if there will be a difference in the sizes due to the original's format.

Results for unsplash05 at different quality settings
Format Quality Size in Bytes Readable Size
jpg 1100638 1.05MB
jxl 30 112922 110.28KB
40 134233 131.09KB
50 159784 156.04KB
60 205376 200.56KB
70 297960 290.98KB
80 518742 506.58KB
90 949470 927.22KB
webp 30 89902 87.79KB
40 106126 103.64KB
50 122370 119.50KB
60 142956 139.61KB
70 162538 158.73KB
80 253286 247.35KB
90 703114 686.63KB
avif 30 34930 34.11KB
40 52896 51.66KB
50 82762 80.82KB
60 140360 137.07KB
70 206032 201.20KB
80 395226 385.96KB
90 901366 880.24KB
png 30 8392381 8.00MB
40 8287773 7.90MB
50 8053678 7.68MB
60 7672848 7.32MB
70 7521386 7.17MB
80 7254771 6.92MB
90 7072989 6.75MB
jpg 30 175094 170.99KB
40 215119 210.08KB
50 258003 251.96KB
60 359722 351.29KB
70 418431 408.62KB
80 903699 882.52KB
90 1209308 1.15MB

Because different projects have different requirements, you should always evaluate formats and quality settings against your target population, some of which may still be on metered mobile plans.

Adding SSIM comparison #

As an optional component, I've added Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM) comparisons to the result.

SSIM calculates the Structural Similarity Index between 2 given images using values between 0 and 1 with these values representing different levels of similarity between the images.

SSIM = 1
This is the maximum value SSIM can attain, indicating that the two images being compared are identical, at least in terms of the elements SSIM uses to compare them.
0 < SSIM < 1
Values greater than 0 but less than 1 indicate varying degrees of similarity. The closer the value is to 1, the more similar the two images are.
SSIM = 0
This would theoretically represent no correlation between the images.
However, in practice, SSIM values are rarely, if ever, zero or negative. Very low SSIM values close to 0 would indicate that the images have very little in common, at least from the SSIM perspective.

Depending on the type of image and the quality you select, the values can vary greatly, making your selection easier.

In this example using the unsplash05 image as the source, we get very similar results so the quality and file size become my guiding factors.

Results for unsplash05 at different quality settings with SSIM score
Format Quality Size in Bytes Readable Size SSIM
jpg N/A 1100638 1.05MB 1
jxl 30 112922 110.28KB 0.944868
40 134233 131.09KB 0.947791
50 159784 156.04KB 0.950932
60 205376 200.56KB 0.954998
70 297960 290.98KB 0.961485
80 518742 506.58KB 0.972575
90 949470 927.22KB 0.985386
webp 30 89902 87.79KB 0.939526
40 106126 103.64KB 0.943543
50 122370 119.50KB 0.946264
60 142956 139.61KB 0.948896
70 162538 158.73KB 0.951101
80 253286 247.35KB 0.957089
90 703114 686.63KB 0.974157
avif 30 34930 34.11KB 0.937875
40 52896 51.66KB 0.945047
50 82762 80.82KB 0.951741
60 140360 137.07KB 0.95829
70 206032 201.20KB 0.962341
80 395226 385.96KB 0.971444
90 901366 880.24KB 0.990101
png 30 8392381 8.00MB 1
40 8287773 7.90MB 1
50 8053678 7.68MB 1
60 7672848 7.32MB 1
70 7521386 7.17MB 1
80 7254771 6.92MB 1
90 7072989 6.75MB 1
jpg 30 175094 170.99KB 0.944332
40 215119 210.08KB 0.950758
50 258003 251.96KB 0.954254
60 359722 351.29KB 0.959387
70 418431 408.62KB 0.96423
80 903699 882.52KB 0.976782
90 1209308 1.15MB 0.995872

Caveats and Conclusions #

These images are provided as examples. These and other images are stored in the companion GitHub repo so you can test with them. You can also run the script against your site's images.

In my testing, AVIF consistently produced the smallest file sizes across quality. As usual, your mileage may vary.

Even though it's not absolutely necessary, you should always consider using the picture element with a PNG or JPG fallback, something like this

  <source srcset="photo.avif" type="image/avif" />
  <source srcset="photo.webp" type="image/webp" />
  <img src="photo.png" alt="photo" />

Like when working with video video or audio elements, the browser will load the first supported format, so order does matter.

Note the use of the srcset attribute. This is required when source is the child of a picture element. This is different than working with video or audio elements where the src attribute is required.

These examples don't account for retina (high DPI) displays. Look at the picture article referenced above for more information.

I still need to finetune how the quality settings go since the same value can mean different things based on formats. There is little documentation regarding passing quality settings between ImageMagick to the underlying delegate for that format.

This project relies on a third-party tool and how it's configured. Package managers may not offer the configuration that you need to run these experiments.

If your package manager doesn't offer the configuration that you want then an option may be to install ImageMagick and all related libraries from source code. Basic installation instructions are explained in Install from Source. Note that this requires additional installations and it's not recommended for people who are not familiar with manual software compilation and installation.

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