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Partial List of Events


This post is a continuation of the last post about Javascript events. It will give a partial list of events available to Javascript browsers, whether they bubble up to parent chain and a brief description.

Knowing whether an even bubbles or not is important since it may change the way you write code.

The first block of events are triggered in the window or document objects.

Event Bubbles Description
load No Fired when the whole page (including external resources) is fully loaded.
unload No Fired when the page is unloading from the browser.
beforeunload No Fired when the user is about to leave the page (e.g., closing tab, navigating away).
resize No Fired when the window is resized.
scroll Yes Fired when the window or an element is scrolled.
hashchange No Fired when the URL hash (fragment identifier) changes.
popstate No Fired when the active history entry changes (for single-page applications using history API).
online No Fired when the browser goes online.
offline No Fired when the browser goes offline.
orientationchange No Fired when the device orientation changes.

Focus events are fired when an element gains or loses focus. The difference between the two pairs of events (focus/blur and focusin/focusout) is that the latter pair bubble and the other one doesn't.

Event Bubbles Description
focus No Fired when an element (e.g. input) gains focus (does not bubble).
blur No Fired when an element loses focus (does not bubble).
focusin Yes Similar to focus, but bubbles.
focusout Yes Similar to blur, but bubbles.

Form events are specific to forms and their children. Some of these inputs are specific to some types of form children elements.

Event Bubbles Description
input Yes Fired when the value of an input or textarea changes.
change Yes Fired when an element's value is changed and the element loses focus (for select/radio/checkbox).
submit No Fired when a form is submitted.
reset No Fired when a form is reset.
select No Fired when text in a text field is selected.

Keyboard events deal with keyboard changes and updates.

Event Bubbles Description
Yes Fired when a key is pressed down.
keypress Yes* Fired when a character-producing key is pressed down.
keyup Yes Fired when a key is released.

There are set of mouse specific events... You should be careful when using these events since you have no way to predict what type of device your users will use to access your content. See also the touch and pointer events.

Event Bubbles Description
click Yes Fired when a pointing device button (usually the primary button) is clicked.
dblclick Yes Fired when a pointing device button is double-clicked.
mousedown Yes Fired when a pointing device button is pressed down on an element.
mouseup Yes Fired when a pointing device button is released over an element.
mousemove Yes Fired when a pointing device is moved inside an element.
mouseover Yes Fired when a pointing device is moved onto an element or one of its children.
mouseout Yes Fired when a pointing device is moved off an element and its children.
mouseenter No Similar to mouseover, but does not bubble; only fires when the pointer enters the element itself.
mouseleave No Similar to mouseout, but does not bubble; only fires when the pointer leaves the element itself.
contextmenu Yes Fired when the right mouse button is clicked (or a context menu key is pressed).

Pointer events are a combination of touch and mouse events designed to support a wider variety of devices used to access web content.

Event Bubbles Description
pointerdown Yes Fired when a pointer (mouse, pen, touch) is pressed down.
pointerup Yes Fired when a pointer is released.
pointermove Yes Fired when a pointer changes coordinates.
pointerover Yes Fired when a pointing device moves onto an element or its descendants.
pointerout Yes Fired when a pointing device moves away from an element and its descendants.
pointerenter No Fired when a pointing device moves onto the element (no bubbling).
pointerleave No Fired when a pointing device moves out of the element (no bubbling).
pointercancel Yes Fired when a pointer is canceled, often due to a hardware event.
gotpointercapture Yes Fired when an element receives pointer capture.
lostpointercapture Yes Fired when an element loses pointer capture.

Both the drag and drop and clipboard APIs generate their own events.

Event Bubbles Description
drag Yes Fired when an element is being dragged.
dragstart Yes Fired when the user starts dragging an element.
dragend Yes Fired when a drag operation ends.
dragenter Yes Fired when a dragged element enters a drop target.
dragleave Yes Fired when a dragged element leaves a drop target.
dragover Yes Fired when a dragged element is over a drop target.
drop Yes Fired when a dragged element is dropped on a valid drop target.
copy Yes Fired when the user copies content to the clipboard.
cut Yes Fired when the user cuts content to the clipboard.
cut Yes Fired when the user cuts content to the clipboard.
paste Yes Fired when the user pastes content from the clipboard.

Media Events are fired when the status of a media element changes.

Event Bubbles Description
play No Fired when playback of media starts or resumes.
pause No Fired when playback of media is paused.
ended No Fired when media has reached the end.
volumechange No Fired when the volume or mute state of the media changes.
timeupdate No Fired when the playing position of the media changes (e.g., due to user seeking).
canplay No Fired when the browser can start playing media (but may still need buffering).
canplaythrough No Fired when the browser estimates it can play media to the end without buffering.
seeking No Fired when the user starts moving the play position indicator.
seeked No Fired when the user finishes moving the play position indicator.

Animation and transition-related events. These animations can be triggered either from CSS or Javascript using the Web Animations API

Event Bubbles Description
animationstart Yes Fired when a CSS animation starts.
animationend Yes Fired when a CSS animation ends.
animationiteration Yes Fired when a CSS animation repeats.
transitionstart Yes Fired when a CSS transition starts.
transitionend Yes Fired when a CSS transition completes.
transitionrun Yes Fired when a CSS transition is created.
transitioncancel Yes Fired when a CSS transition is canceled.

All the following events fall outside the previous categories

Event Bubbles Description
wheel Yes Fired when the wheel button of a pointing device is rotated.
message No Fired when a message is received through a MessagePort or a Web Worker.
error No Fired when an error occurs (varies by context, e.g. script load error or media error).
abort No Fired when a resource loading is aborted.
toggle Yes Fired when the open/closed state of a <details> element changes.

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