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The Publishing Project

Inserting meta tags in the head of a page


When researching client hints, I came across an interesting use case for dynamically inserting meta tags on a Handlebars template based on the route I'm accessing.

The different pages of the experiment use different sets of client hints so each needs to request the different hints from the server, an Express application in this case. I wasn't able to do it within Express or Handlebars so I had to hack my way through getting it done with Javascript.

We also use local storage to set up a variable when we successfully add the meta tag. If the variable exists then we don't need to add the tag again.

While this solution works in the context of an Express/Handlebars solution, it should also work on regular pages.

The script block does the following:

  1. Define the check for the local storage variable addedTag
  2. Creates an empty meta element
  3. Adds the http-equiv attribute with Accept-CH as the value
  4. Sets the client hints we want to use as the value of the content attribute
  5. Appends the link we created to the first (and only) head element on the page. You can trim it to add as many or as few of the hints you need to meet your needs
  6. Follow the same steps to add the Accept-CH-Lifetime meta tag
  7. Set up the addedTag local storage variable
  8. If the tags exist log a message to console and end. There's no need to add the tags every time

The code to add the meta tags now looks like this:

let metaTagExists = localStorage.getItem('addedTag');// 1

if (!metaTagExists) {
  const link = document.createElement('meta'); // 2
  link.setAttribute('http-equiv', 'Accept-CH'); // 3
  link.content = 'Width, Viewport-Width, DPR, Device-Memory, RTT, Downlink, ECT, Sec-CH-UA-Full-Version, Sec-CH-UA-Platform, Sec-CH-UA-Platform-Version, Sec-CH-UA-Arch, Sec-CH-UA-Model, Sec-CH-UA-Mobile' // 4
  document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(link); // 5

  const link2 = document.createElement('meta');  // 6
  link2.setAttribute('http-equiv', 'Accept-CH-Lifetime');
  link2.content = '86400'

  localStorage.setItem('addedTag', ''); // 7 
} else {
  console.log('meta tag already exists, no need to add it again'); // 8

The code produces the following HTML without the formating:

<meta http-equiv="Accept-CH" 
        DPR, Device-Memory,
        Sec-CH-UA-Arch, Sec-CH-UA-Model, 

<meta http-equiv="Accept-CH-Lifetime" 

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