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Image formats for the web: HEIC and AVIF


There are two formats that I left out of the previous posts about image formats for the web: HEIF and AVIF

These two formats are based on video codecs and, depend on the parent video technology to compress images. This makes them different than existing formats like PNG, JPEG and GIF.

In the table below, I've summarized basic information about the two formats. If using open formats it's important to your project you may want to take a closer look at these technologies; HEVC is known to have patent encumbrances and AV1, even though AOM claims it's patent-free, has a new patent pool actively issuing licenses and this may render the freely available claim moot.

How will this affect AV1 and AVIF adoption is unknown at this time.

Format Initial Release Type Encoder to Use Notes
HEIC 2013 Lossless and Lossy Image Magick or libheif H265 compression in HEIF container

Fully supported in Apple Products (macOS and iOS)
AVIF 2019 Lossless and Lossy libavif AV1 compression in HEIF container

Google has published an intent to ship a native AVIF decoder in Chrome. See Chrome Status entry

Firefox has a basic implementation behind a flag. See Bugzilla Bug 1625363

Getting started #

Before we can start comparing images and sizes we need to do the following:

  1. Resize the image we want to use
  2. Compile libavif on my Mac. This is not always a trivial or self-evident process and it depends on having Homebrew already installed

Resizing Images #

I chose to resize the image before testing to make sure that the image size will not affect the results of the tests.

To resize we'll use ImageMagick. The command to scale the image to 2000px wide and corresponding height, would look something like this:

convert emporium_hi_res.png -resize 2000 \

This command will not distort the image. It will scale the height proportionately to meet the width requirements.

Compiling libheif #

I've had multiple issues trying to get AVIF images to encode using libheif on my system. To make sure it wasn't a Homebrew issue (it appears to be) I compiled libheif from scratch following the instructions on the README

First, we install the pre-requisites. Most of the time these will already be installed.

brew install automake \
make \
x265 \
libde265 \

We then run commands to generate the configuration files and build the binaries.


Because the Homebrew installed version is a dependency of ImageMagick and VIPS, Homebrew won't let me remove it. So I've chosen to skip the make install step and run them from where they were compiled.

Compiling libavif #

In a Mac, Homebrew provides the dependencies we need to run libavif, but not libavif itself. So, to install libavif, we'll install the dependencies first via Homebrew and then compile Libavif from scratch.

The dependecies we need are:

  • aom provides an encoder and a decoder
  • dav1d provides a decoder
  • rav1e provides an encoder

To install the dependecies, run the following command

brew install aom dav1d rav1e

Later we'll use the two decoders to test if the code we use makes a difference in the size of the final image.

To install libavif, download the latest tagged release from Github.

Once you have downloaded and unzipped the code run the following commands:

First, we make a directory to store the build artifacts and binaries before installation.

// Make the build directory and CD to it
mkdir build && cd build

Libaviif uses CMake to configure the application and provide additional flags for the compiler to use.

From the build directory, run the following command:

// Use CMake to configure AVIF installation
cmake ..  -DAVIF_CODEC_AOM=ON \

The two dots, .. indicate that the source code is the directory above build.

The -DAVIF_CODEC_ entries tell libavif the different codecs that we want to use. As discussed earlier we want to enable, aom, dav1d and rav1e.

The final flag, -DAVIF_BUILD_APPS tells libavif to build the sample encoder and decoder applications. If you don't add this flag it will only build the libaavif library.

The final process is to compile and install the files.

make will compile the needed programs and make install will move the compiled programs to default locations in the file system.

// Make and install the binaries
// install the files we just compiled
make install

Because I'm using Homebrew on a Macintosh, installing the binaries and associated files may cause warnings when running brew doctor. It is safe to ignore the warnings.

Figuring out flags and settings #

Libheif presents some interesting challenges in figuring out what settings to use. It also takes parameters from the underlying x265 installation for encoding the images.

We'll start with the naive encoding and let it run with only libheif and libavif defaults. This is the simplest way to run the encoders and is what I would first use when compressing images, not worrying about lossless or lossy or specifying image quality.

# aviflib encoder
avifenc emporium-resized.png \

# libheif encode
heif-enc emporium-resized.png \
-o emporium-resized.heif
Format File Size

Even the default values are decent. But we can do better.

Looking at libheif settings #

In addition to the flags that come with the encoder, heif-enc can also take parameters from the underlying HEVC encoder (in this caase x265).

To get the available encoder parameters run the following command:

heif-enc --params

For a default install using x265 it will produce the following output.

Parameters for encoder `x265 HEVC encoder (3.4)`:
  quality, default=50, [0;100]
  lossless, default=false
  preset, default=slow, {
    placebo }
  tune, default=ssim, {
    fastdecode }
  tu-intra-depth, default=2, [1;4]
  complexity, [0;100]

The interesting part, to me, is the use of HEVC presets in the image encoding. According to the x265 documentation:

x265 has ten predefined --preset options that optimize the trade-off between encoding speed (encoded frames per second) and compression efficiency (quality per bit in the bitstream). The default preset is medium... When you use faster presets, the encoder takes shortcuts to improve performance at the expense of quality and compression efficiency. When you use slower presets, x265 tests more encoding options, using more computations to achieve the best quality at your selected bit rate...

We could modify individual parameters beyond what presets provide but unless there are very specific reasons I don't think it's a wise investment of time and resources unless you're an HEVC expert.

My assumption when encoding HEIF images is that the slower and faster presets will create a smaller image for different reasons, the faster presets usually take shortcuts and don't do a thorough job in compressing data; the slower presets will take longer in compressing the image and do a better job than the default.

I did the test with two images, the first one, a black and white image of the USS California.

The black and white images produced the opposite results to what I expected. The faster presets were smaller than the slower ones but the difference wasn't as big as I expected it to be.

The slow preset, the default for libheif compression was only 26KB larger than the superfast present which created the smaller image for this example.

Preset Size Notes
Ultrafast 181KB
Superfast 177KB
Veryfast 228KB
Faster 228KB
Fast 228KB
Medium 228KB Default for HEVC
Slow 203KB Default for Libheif
Slower 203KB
Veryslow 203KB
Placebo 203KB

The second test was with a resized version of emporium-hires. The slower presets still produce smaller sizes than faster presets. What caught my attention is how much larger the results from faster presets (ultrafast and superfast) are. I guess it's because the shortcuts the faster presets use are more important in a color image.

Preset Size Notes
Ultrafast 644KB
Superfast 628KB
Veryfast 507KB
Faster 507KB
Fast 507KB
Medium 507KB Default for HEVC
Slow 478KB Default for Libheif
Slower 478KB
Veryslow 478KB
Placebo 479KB

The final test uses a Nasa Image with a black background and bright, processed, colors. The scale is similar to the two previous examples but it's heavier in file sizes.

Preset Size Notes
Ultrafast 591KB
Superfast 562KB
Veryfast 642KB
Faster 642KB
Fast 642KB
Medium 642KB Default for HEVC
Slow 551KB Default for Libheif
Slower 551KB
Veryslow 551KB
Placebo 552kB

So, for the most part, it's OK to use the libheif default preset. We'll do additional testing when comparing quality for both AVIF and LIBHEIF.

Looking at AVIF encoders #

AVIF presents different challenges. We begin by considering the three different encoders:

  • Libheif (with a special flag)
  • AOM for libavif (encoder and decoder)
  • Rav1e for libavif (encoder only)

I wouldn't expect major differences using the three codecs but it's always good to test and be sure. Using libheif for all our tests and future encodings reduces the number of applications we have to use but, if we can get better performance in terms of encoding time and quality then the additional software may be warranted.

All these tests use default settings for the encoders. We can probably dive deeper into specific encoder settings to improve file size but that's not the goal of these particular tests.

The results using emporium-resized proved my assumptions wrong again. Encoding using libheif produced the smallest results and using rav1e produced the largest.

format encoder size
AVIF heif-enc --avif 702KB
AVIF avifenc -c aom 948KB
AVIF avifenc -c rav1e 1MB

Using the USS_California image as a grayscale example the results are similar in terms of encoder performance but the results are smaller across the board.

I suspect the numbers are smaller because there are fewer colors that can be compressed more than the other two examples.

format encoder size
AVIF heif-enc --avif 207KB
AVIF avifenc -c aom 262KB
AVIF avifenc -c rav1e 341KB

The final example is a NASA image STScI-H-p2031b-f and it produces the largest sizes across the board with larger file sizes overall.

format encoder size
AVIF heif-enc --avif 621KB
AVIF avifenc -c aom 978KB
AVIF avifenc -c rav1e 1.2MB

Considering the results of the three tests, it's safe to assume that libheif is the best alternative for creating AVIF images.

Evaluating different quality values #

As with WebP, PNG, and JPG, AVIF and HEIF have a quality setting that will allow finner level of control over the quality.

AVIF doesn't have a straight quality value like HEIF but it has the following elements that, as far as I know, produce the same effect as the quality setting in libheif

--min Q: Set min quantizer for color
(0-63, where 0 is lossless)
--max Q: Set max quantizer for color
(0-63, where 0 is lossless)
--minalpha Q: Set min quantizer for alpha
(0-63, where 0 is lossless)
--maxalpha Q: Set max quantizer for alpha
(0-63, where 0 is lossless)

Because the values are not the same as those from libheif I would be guessing as to what would be equivalent.

I've created a different scale for compressing images with avifenc. Rather than going from 50 to 100 I decided to go from 22 to 62 in 10 step increments.

I chose to use the same value for both color and alpha rather than leave alpha quality as lossless.

I also chose the rav1e encoder to make sure if there is a difference in this scenario. It appears that when encoding with non-default quality values for both color and alpha Rav1e produces smaller results than the AOM encoder.

format encoder (color) quality α quality size
avif avifenc 62 62 28KB
avif avifenc 52 52 73KB
avif avifenc 42 42 192KB
avif avifenc 32 32 402KB
avif avifenc 22 22 649KB

When enconding with libheif both formats gain the ability to define quality on a scale from 20 to 100 and I took this scale and used values from 50 to 100.

Keeping in mind that the quality values for HEIF are not the same as the values we used with avifenc the table below presents the AVIF results created with heif-enc.

format encoder (color) quality α quality size
avif libheif 50 N/A 478KB
avif libheif 60 N/A 771KB
avif libheif 70 N/A 1.2MB
avif libheif 80 N/A 1.6MB
avif libheif 90 N/A 2.0MB
avif libheif 100 N/A 2.1MB

The final result is for HEIF images compressed with libheif. The results follow a progression in file sizes but not a linear one. The one surprising item is the size of the HEIF images, they are significantly larger than their AVIF equivalents.

format encoder (color) quality α quality size
heif libheif 50 N/A 478KB
heif libheif 60 N/A 771KB
heif libheif 70 N/A 1.2MB
heif libheif 80 N/A 1.8MB
heif libheif 90 N/A 2.0MB
heif libheif 100 N/A 2.1MB

SSIM testing #

Testing for structural similarity is harder with newer formats. As far as I know, there is no current SSIM-like testing for AVIF images. I will write a separate post when the functionality becomes available so we can do a complete and fair comparison.

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