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Gutenberg as design systems (part 3)


Blocks are awesome and provide a graphical way to create content but sharing them is not as intuitive as I would like to be, at least not yet.

This post will discuss how to use plugins to share both custom blocks, variations, and combined blocks and variations.

Custom Blocks #

In the plugin's index.php we create a block category where we can place all our blocks.

The comment at the top of the page contains the information that will appear on the plugins page.

The first functions rivendellweb_blocks_block_category defines a callback function that creates a category for the blocks we create. We then use the block_categories filter with the rivendellweb_blocks_block_category callback function.

Next, we include the blocks that we have created using require example-0x/index.php where the x represents a different directory containing a custom block.


 * Plugin Name: Rivendellweb Blocks
 * Plugin URI:
 * Description: Rivendellweb blocks collection.
 * Version: 0.0.1
 * Author: Carlos Araya
 * @package rivendellweb-blocks

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {

function rivendellweb_blocks_block_category( $categories, $post ) {
  if ( $post->post_type !== 'post' ) {
      return $categories;
  return array_merge(
        'slug' => 'rivendellweb-blocks',
        'title' => __( 'Rivendellweb Blocks', 'rivendellweb-blocks' ),
        'icon'  => 'wordpress',
add_filter( 'block_categories', 'rivendellweb_blocks_block_category', 10, 2);

include 'example-01/index.php';
include 'example-02/index.php';
include 'example-03/index.php';
include 'example-04/index.php';
include 'example-05/index.php';
include 'example-06/index.php';
include 'example-07/index.php';

If the blocks are valid and the individual build processes succeeded, then the plugin will add seven blocks to Gutenberg running on the server.

The full example is on GitHub at rivendellweb-blocks and has been tested with Gutenberg 7.9.1 and with Github Gutenberg.

Block Variations #

As discussed earlier, variations allow you to change the look of a block without having to code a brand new version. The plugin that holds these variations has three files:

  • A PHP file that makes the package into a plugin and links to scripts and styles
  • A Javascript files with the variation definitions
  • A CSS files containing the variations' styles

The plugin's index.php has the plugin boilerplate comment and two action + callback instances: one to enqueue the scrip and one to enqueue the stylesheet.


 * Plugin Name: Rivendellweb variations
 * Plugin URI:
 * Description: Rivendellweb blocks variations.
 * Version: 0.0.1
 * Author: Carlos Araya
 * @package rivendellweb-blocks

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {

function rivendellweb_enqueue_variations() {
        plugins_url( './src/block-variations.js', __FILE__ ),
        array( 'wp-blocks', 'wp-dom-ready', 'wp-edit-post' ),
        filemtime( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'build/block-variations.js' )
add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', 'rivendellweb_enqueue_variations' );

function rivendellweb_variation_styles() {
        plugins_url( './src/block-variations.css', __FILE__ ) );
add_action( 'enqueue_block_assets', 'rivendellweb_variation_styles' );

The full example is on GitHub at rivendellweb-variations and has been tested with Gutenberg 7.9.1 and with Github Gutenberg.

Both Together #

Whether to combine the two plugins discussed in this post into a single plugin is the reader's choice. I chose not to because I believe that each plugin should do one thing only and do it well.

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