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Custom Material Design Typography


In a previous post I created a page using Material Design's default typography classes and the fonts they are designed to work with. What I didn't realize is that you can also create custom typographical systems using SASS and the existing typographical infrastructure for material design. I will also explore whether Recursive works well with Material Design

Getting started #

Because we're using a variable font with custom axes we need to define the default values in the stylesheet's :root element and then use custom properties to handle inheritance problems in variable fonts as documented in Boiling eggs and fixing the variable font inheritance problem

We first define the font using the extended @font-face syntax for variable fonts as explained in MDN's Variable Fonts Guide.

Note that the latest version of the Google Fonts API supports a small set of variable fonts. See Variable fonts & the new Google Fonts API and the initial announcement in Codepen for more information on how to use the new API. Also, note that it's not official yet so don't use it in production.

@font-face {
  font-family: 'Recursive';
    url('../fonts/recursive-2019_11_22-20_38.woff2') format('woff2-variations');
  font-weight: 300 1000;

Using the extended @font-face syntax we tell the browser that we're loading a variable font using woff2-variations as the format.

We also specify the font-weight range to be from 300 to 1000. We'll leverage this later when we set up classes for predefined instances.

In the :root element we use classes and variables to handle Open Type features. This section is taken from Wakamaifondue stylesheet for Cursive B025 (latest release when the post was written)

The final

:root {
  --recursive-aalt: "aalt"off;
  --recursive-case: "case"off;
  --recursive-dlig: "dlig"off;
  --recursive-dnom: "dnom"off;
  --recursive-frac: "frac"off;
  --recursive-numr: "numr"off;
  --recursive-ordn: "ordn"off;
  --recursive-pnum: "pnum"off;
  --recursive-sinf: "sinf"off;
  --recursive-ss01: "ss01"off;
  --recursive-ss02: "ss02"off;
  --recursive-ss03: "ss03"off;
  --recursive-ss04: "ss04"off;
  --recursive-ss05: "ss05"off;
  --recursive-ss06: "ss06"off;
  --recursive-ss07: "ss07"off;
  --recursive-ss08: "ss08"off;
  --recursive-ss09: "ss09"off;
  --recursive-ss10: "ss10"off;
  --recursive-ss11: "ss11"off;
  --recursive-ss20: "ss20"off;
  --recursive-sups: "sups"off;
  --recursive-titl: "titl"off;
  --recursive-zero: "zero"off;

We then create classes for each OpenType feature. If class is applied, update the custom property and apply modern font-variant-* when supported.

In this case, it is safe to use @supports because if the browser supports variable fonts I feel coonfident that it supports feature queries.

The final block of this section takes all the values of the OpenType variables and sets them appropriately using font-variation-settings

.recursive-aalt {
  --recursive-aalt: "aalt"on;

.recursive-case {
  --recursive-case: "case"on;

.recursive-dlig {
  --recursive-dlig: "dlig"on;

@supports (font-variant-ligatures: discretionary-ligatures) {
  .recursive-dlig {
    --recursive-dlig: "____";
    font-variant-ligatures: discretionary-ligatures;

.recursive-dnom {
  --recursive-dnom: "dnom"on;

.recursive-frac {
  --recursive-frac: "frac"on;

@supports (font-variant-numeric: diagonal-fractions) {
  .recursive-frac {
    --recursive-frac: "____";
    font-variant-numeric: diagonal-fractions;

.recursive-numr {
  --recursive-numr: "numr"on;

.recursive-ordn {
  --recursive-ordn: "ordn"on;

@supports (font-variant-numeric: ordinal) {
  .recursive-ordn {
    --recursive-ordn: "____";
    font-variant-numeric: ordinal;

.recursive-pnum {
  --recursive-pnum: "pnum"on;

@supports (font-variant-numeric: proportional-nums) {
  .recursive-pnum {
    --recursive-pnum: "____";
    font-variant-numeric: proportional-nums;

.recursive-sinf {
  --recursive-sinf: "sinf"on;

.recursive-ss01 {
  --recursive-ss01: "ss01"on;

.recursive-ss02 {
  --recursive-ss02: "ss02"on;

.recursive-ss03 {
  --recursive-ss03: "ss03"on;

.recursive-ss04 {
  --recursive-ss04: "ss04"on;

.recursive-ss05 {
  --recursive-ss05: "ss05"on;

.recursive-ss06 {
  --recursive-ss06: "ss06"on;

.recursive-ss07 {
  --recursive-ss07: "ss07"on;

.recursive-ss08 {
  --recursive-ss08: "ss08"on;

.recursive-ss09 {
  --recursive-ss09: "ss09"on;

.recursive-ss10 {
  --recursive-ss10: "ss10"on;

.recursive-ss11 {
  --recursive-ss11: "ss11"on;

.recursive-ss20 {
  --recursive-ss20: "ss20"on;

.recursive-sups {
  --recursive-sups: "sups"on;

@supports (font-variant-position: super) {
  .recursive-sups {
    --recursive-sups: "____";
    font-variant-position: super;

.recursive-titl {
  --recursive-titl: "titl"on;

@supports (font-variant-caps: titling-caps) {
  .recursive-titl {
    --recursive-titl: "____";
    font-variant-caps: titling-caps;

.recursive-zero {
  --recursive-zero: "zero"on;

@supports (font-variant-numeric: slashed-zero) {
  .recursive-zero {
    --recursive-zero: "____";
    font-variant-numeric: slashed-zero;

.recursive-zero {
  font-feature-settings: var(--recursive-aalt),
    var(--recursive-case), var(--recursive-dlig), var(--recursive-dnom), var(--recursive-frac), var(--recursive-numr), var(--recursive-ordn), var(--recursive-pnum), var(--recursive-sinf), var(--recursive-ss01), var(--recursive-ss02), var(--recursive-ss03), var(--recursive-ss04), var(--recursive-ss05), var(--recursive-ss06), var(--recursive-ss07), var(--recursive-ss08), var(--recursive-ss09), var(--recursive-ss10), var(--recursive-ss11), var(--recursive-ss20), var(--recursive-sups), var(--recursive-titl), var(--recursive-zero);

The next block uses pre-defined instances of the Recursive font. Because the values are exclusive to the instance I didn't think it necessary to deefine them using CSS variables. It's possible but too time consuming for me.

font-weight is a predefined axis for variable fonts and it's supported well enough that we can take it out of font-variation-settings and use the CSS property on its own.

Inside font-variation-settings, the uppercased axes (MONO and CASL) are custom axes to the font we're using so they will always need to go here as there are no equivalent CSS properties.

The lowercased axes (slnt and ital) are predefined axes but need to go inside font-variation-settings to avoid confusion.

These are examples of the instance classes produced by Wakamaifondue. I didn't want to list all 64 instances here :-)

// Variable instances.
.recursive-mono-linear {
  font-weight:  400;
  font-variation-settings: "MONO"1, "CASL"0, "slnt"0, "ital"0.5;

.recursive-mono-linear-italic {
  font-weight:  400;
  font-variation-settings: "MONO"1, "CASL"0, "slnt"-15, "ital"1;

.recursive-mono-casual {
  font-weight:  400;
  font-variation-settings: "MONO"1, "CASL"1, "slnt"0, "ital"0.5;

.recursive-mono-casual-italic {
  font-weight:  400;
  font-variation-settings: "MONO"1, "CASL"1, "slnt"-15, "ital"1;

After all the work setting Open Type features and variable font instances we can work with Material Design using our custom font.

We import the SCSS files for typography and grid to include in the final result.

The last thing we do is to override the base font family to use Recursive. Because the variable font can be either sans serif or monospaced you will have to override the font family everywhere the font is monospaced.

@import "@material/typography/mdc-typography";
@import "@material/layout-grid/mdc-layout-grid";

$mdc-typography-font-family: unquote("Recursive, Arial, Helvetica");

You can see an example in action here: Towards the Splendid City and the code is here

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