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Creating custom buttons (2): Toggle Buttons


In a previous post, we discussed what it takes to create action buttons that execute a specific action.

In this post, we'll discuss toggle buttons, a special type of button that changes based on the status of the button, like if the audio track is playing or not.

Toggle button #

Like we did with the action button, we need to look at the roles and attributes we need to have in a custom button.

The biggest difference is the aria-pressed attribute we will add programmatically. This attribute tells assistive technology tools whether the button is pressed or not.

Role Attribute Element Usage
button div Identifies the element as a button widget.

Accessible name for the button is defined by the text content of the element.
tabindex="0" div, a Includes the element in the tab sequence.

Needed on the a element because it does not have an href attribute
aria-pressed="false" a Identifies the button as a toggle button.

Indicates the toggle button is not pressed
aria-pressed="true" a Identifies the button as a toggle button.

Indicates the toggle button is pressed.

With that in mind, the structure of the HTML we will use for this example is almost identical to the action button from the previous post.

<div tabindex="0" role="button" id="toggle">

All the work for the toggle is done in Javascript. I've broken the code into sections to make it easier to explain:

The first action is to capture a reference to the element we use as a toggle.

const toggleButton = document.getElementById("toggle");

The toggleButtonClickHandler function checks if we're working with a real button or elements with a role of button then we execute the toggleButtonState function passing the event as the function parameter.

function toggleButtonClickHandler(event) {
  if (
    event.currentTarget.tagName === "button" ||
    event.currentTarget.getAttribute("role") === "button"
  ) {

The toggleButtonKeydownHandler function handles the keyboard navigation. It tests if the key pressed is either the Space or Enter key and runs the toggleButtonState function.

We use the event.key read-only property to identify the key that was pressed and only execute the toggleButtonState function if the user clicked the space bar or enter keys.

Older examples use the event.keyCode property to read the key that was pressed but the property has been deprecated and it is system-dependent.

For the spacebar key detection we use two possible values:

  • Spacebar will work with older browsers
  • The space string (" ") works in modern browsers.
function toggleButtonKeydownHandler(event) {
  if (
    event.key === "Spacebar" ||
    event.key === " " ||
    event.key === "Enter") {

toggleButtonState is where we do the bulk of the work.

We first create a constant to set the aria-pressed attribute to true by default.

We then use a ternary operator to set the aria-pressed attribute. It toggles between true and false based on the existing value of the attribute.

We then use the value of the aria-pressed attribute to change the text of the button. If the value of aria-pressed is true, we set the text to the string Play, otherwise, we set the text of the button to the string False.

function toggleButtonState(button) {
  const isAriaPressed = button.getAttribute("aria-pressed") === "true";

  button.setAttribute("aria-pressed", isAriaPressed ? "false" : "true");

  if (isAriaPressed) {
    button.textContent = "Play";
  } else {
    button.textContent = "Pause";

Finally, we add event listeners for the pointerdown and keydown events.

toggleButton.addEventListener("pointerdown", toggleButtonClickHandler);
toggleButton.addEventListener("keydown", toggleButtonKeydownHandler);

The full example is here:

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