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Compressing video is more than taking bits out


I've always been interested in video compression, particularly on how it works for the web.

This post will cover these areas:

  • Terminology necessary to understand the commands we will use
  • What codecs are currently available for web delivery and some upcoming codecs
  • An encoding ladder example
  • Examples of one-pass and multi-pass encodings with the codecs we discuss in the post

This post is heavily influenced by the work of Jan Ozer. Unlike Jan's posts, it will not go into deep details of compressing each with each codec. If you're interested in those areas of compression I suggest you look at Jan's articles in Streaming Media Magazine and his Streaming Learning Center

Terminology #

A codec is a device or computer program that encodes or decodes a data stream or signal.
Codec is a portmanteau of coder/decoder.
The amount of information that is transferred per second in a video or audio clip.
Bitrate is different from other video quality measurements like resolution, frame rate, and video format.
You can measure bitrate in bits, kilobytes per second (Kbps), or megabytes per second (Mbps).
1-pass encoding
In 1-pass encoding the encoder does all the work in the single pass.
2-pass encoding
Two-pass encodings trade time for quality. In the first pass, the encoder analyzes the video file and, during the second pass, the encoder allocates bitrate according to encoding complexity.
Encoding ladder
A predefined set of video output levels designed to accommodate users with varying devices and network conditions. Each level offering a different balance of resolution, bitrate, and codec parameters.
A file format that allows multiple data streams to be embedded into a single file.

Codec Research #

Once HTML(5) came around we got a standard way to embed video (using the video element) and audio (using the audio element)

But having common elements to embed the content didn't mean that browser agreed to what formats these embeds should take.

While it's true that things have gotten better over the years with browsers supporting mostly the same formats the elephant in the room is still Safari.

Codecs supported in desktop browsers
Codec Chromium Browsers Firefox Safari
VP9 Partial[1]
H.264 (AVC)
H.265 (HEVC)
AV1 Partial[1:1]

The mobile codec support picture is about the same. The elephant in the room is also Apple and their operating system restrictions... although it's less of an issue in mobile since they can choose not to support older versions of their operating systems or restrict the support to specific hardware.

Codecs supported in mobile browsers
Codec Chromium
VP9 Partial[2]
H.264 (AVC)
H.265 (HEVC) Partial[2:1] [3]
AV1 Partial[2:2]

While we have fewer options to evaluate, we should still provide multiple alternatives considering the rungs in our encoding ladder.

Newer Codecs (Not Web-Ready) #

The MPEG group in charge of new codec development has been busy, they've been working on three new codecs: VVC/H266, EVC and LCEVC.

While none of these codecs are playable on the web and FFmpeg has only bundled VVC with its tool using a third-party codec in version 7.x, it's worth keeping an eye on these codecs because they provide better quality than what's currently available and it may affect our encoding ladders once browsers adopt these new formats.

Creating encoding ladders #

An encoding ladder is a predefined set of video output levels designed to accommodate users with varying devices and network conditions. Each level offers a different balance of resolution, bitrate, and codec parameters.

These “rungs” of the ladder create versions of your video for all your target devices, from basic mobile phones on slow networks to 4k or 8k display on large TV and high DPI devices with fast gigabit internet connections.

Steps to create the ladder #

Understand Your Audience
Determine the range of devices, internet speeds, and viewing conditions your users have. This may require some research, analytics review or web server logs analysis.
Select Your Rungs
Choose the number and characteristics of your output levels. H264 is a commonly used codec, while resolutions typically range from 360p for low-end consumption, up to 1080p or even 4K for high-end viewing.
Other codecs may offer better tradeoffs than H264 for certain steps in the ladder.
Optimize Your Encodings
Test various settings within your chosen rungs to find the best balance between quality and file size.
These changes may involve tweaking factors like the bitrate, frame rate, or keyframe interval.
Monitor & Adjust
The ladder should not remain static.
Review performance metrics and user feedback to adjust your ladder over time as technology, network conditions, and user behavior evolve.
As browsers support new codecs, evaluate them to see if they warrant being included on the ladder

Creating an encoding ladder is left as an exercise for the reader... I'm working on building my own.

Getting Our Hands Dirty #

Now we'll look at how to encode in any of these format combinations using FFmpeg command line tool.

I chose FFmpeg because it combines simplicity (we only need one CLI tool rather than try individual encoders for each format) with powerful features.

Before we start, let's look at common attributes across codecs.

parameter example description
-i -i my_video.mp4 The input to work from
-c:v -c:v libx264 What video codec to use
-c:a -c:a copy What audio codec to use. The value copy will copy the audio codec from the source video
-b:v -b:v 5000k Sets the video bitrate to the associated value

Most of the other attributes we'll use are codec specific so we'll list them under each codec.

Any compression of a video makes tradeofs between quality and file size. If you want to use the videos online there are additional considerations to make...

Depending on the location and quality of their network connections, your users may not be able to enjoy the 4k-hardware-accelerated video that you want to serve them. Plan accordingly.

Not all videos encoded with the same codec are the same. Plan accordingly

X264 #

X264 is supported everywhere that FFmpeg works, so it'll be the baseline for the work that we do.

Relying on defaults #

When we rely on default values, the only thing we must do is pass libx264 as the value for our video codec (-c:v). Everything else will take default values.

ffmpeg -i shirushi.mp4 \
-c:v libx264 shirushi-x264.mp4

One pass #

For one pass encoding we'll introduce the following parameters, in addition to the generic ones.

parameter example description
-preset -preset medium What built-in codec preset to use.

See preset for more information
-crf -crf 22 Specifies the Constant Rate Factor to use.
-b:v -b:v 1000k controls the target bitrate for the video
-minrate -minrate 750k specifies a minimum tolerance/value for the video streaI. We're less likely. to use this than maxrate and bufsize
-maxrate -maxrate 1000k specifies a maximum tolerance/value for the video stream. This is only used in conjunction with bufsiz
-bufsize -bufsize 2000k tells the encoder how often to calculate the average bit rate and check to see
-g -g 48 The number of frames between two I-frames. This is more relevant for adaptive bitrate streaming (ABR) where I-frames must be at the beginning of every segment.
-keyint_min -keyint_min 25 the minimum interval between I-frames
-sc_threshold -sc_threshold 40 sets the threshold for the scene change detection
-r -r 12 sets or changes the video bitrate

Use CRF if you want to keep the best quality and care less about the file size. Eventhough CRF is the recommended mode for most users, it may not be desirable if you're encoding files for streaming.

This method provides maximum compression efficiency with a single pass. By adjusting the quantizer for each frame, it gets the bitrate it needs to keep the requested quality level.

ffmpeg -i sources/shirushi-source.mp4 \
-c:v libx264 \
-preset slow -crf 22 \
-c:a copy shirushi-1pass.mp4

In a 1-pass encoding we can also specify our target bitrate for the entire video by adding the -b:v parameter with the value representing the bitrate we want to target.

ffmpeg -i sources/Tears-of-Steel.mp4 \
-b:v 1000k \
-c:v libx264 tears-of-steel-x264-1pass.mp4

Another aspect we'll look at how to constraint the bitrate.

ffmpeg -i sources/Tears-of-Steel.mp4 \
-b:v 1000k -maxrate 1000k -bufsize 2000k\
-c:v libx264 tears-of-steel-x264-1pass.mp4

The x264 codec uses three different frame types during encoding: I-frame, B-frame, and P-frame. I-frames are self-contained frames that must appear at the start of a file or file segment; otherwise, they might not play correctly. During ABR streaming playback, the player retrieves multiple file segments and plays them back in sequence. One key requirement during encoding is to ensure that the first frame in every segment is an I-frame.

To accomplish this, you must have regular I-frames, and the I-frame interval must divide evenly into the segment size. So, if your segments are 6 seconds long, your I-frame interval must be either 1, 2, 3, or 6, with 2 being the most frequently used.

This will be dependant of the video's frame rate so you'll have to analyze your source material and then test with different parameter combinations to determine your optimal result.

ffmpeg -i sources/Tears-of-Steel.mp4 \
-g 48 -keyint_min 48 -sc_threshold 0 \
-c:v libx264 tears-of-steel-x264-1pass-gop48.mp4

Two Pass #

In a 2-pass encoding scenario the first pass will not produce video; instead it will produce a log file that will help the second pass be more efficient


You can add additional commands in the second pass but all parameters you put in the first pass must also be in the second pass.


parameter example description
-pass -pass 1 What pass of a multi-pass encoding the command is for

The two lines perform slightly different tasks.

  • Line 1:
    • -y — overwrite existing log file
    • -pass 1 — first pass, no output file
    • -f mp4 — output format for the second pass
    • NUL — creates log file cataloguing encoding complexity (can name log file if desired)
    • && \ — run second pass only if the first command is successful. This will only work on Linux, macOS, and WSL. Powershell uses different separators.
  • Line 2:
    • -pass 2 — find and use log file for encode
    • Test_1080p_2P.mp4 — output file name
ffmpeg -y -i sources/Tears-of-Steel.mp4 -c:v libx264 -b:v 1000k -pass 1 -f mp4 NUL && \
ffmpeg -i sources/Tears-of-Steel.mp4 -c:v libx264 -b:v 1000k -pass 2 tears-of-steel-x264-2pass.mp4

X265 #

For X265, the commands will be similar but not identical to those on X264.

Relying on x265 defaults #

The oly thing that changes when calling ffmpeg with defaults is the codec we use for videos, we use libx265 instead of libx264.

ffmpeg -i shirushi.mp4 -c:v libx265 shirushi-x265.mp4

One pass encoding using x265 #

parameter example description
-x265-params -x265-params qp=22:aq-mode=2 Adds additional HEVC encoder parameters. This can be used to fine-tune the encoding process or to modify the parameters used by a preset.
ffmpeg -i sources/shirushi-source \
-c:v libx265 \
-b:v 1000k

x265 has many parameters you can use to tune the performance of the codec. The complete list of parameters, is here. You can use these parameters as the value of -x265-params to control different aspects of the encoding process beyond what FFmpeg allows you to do.

In this example, we run an encode using the quantization parameter (QP) to 23 and set the Adaptive Quantization (AQ) (aq-mode) to 2. In AQ, the QP of every block changes in a tradeoff between quality and bitrate.

ffmpeg -i sources/shirushi-source.mp4 \
-c:v libx265 \
-b:v 1000k
-x265-params qp=22:aq-mode=2 \

Two Pass encoding using x265 #

Two-pass encoding using x265 is similar to what we do with x264. It is important to remember to add the same parameters to both passes.

  • Line 1:
    • -y — overwrite existing log file
    • -pass 1 — first pass, no output file
    • -c:v libx265 indicates we want to encode the video with x265
    • -f mp4 — output format for the second pass
    • NUL — creates log file cataloguing encoding complexity (can name log file if desired)
    • && \ — runs second pass only if the first command ran successfully. This is specific to Linux, macOS, and WSL
  • Line 2:
    • -pass 2 — find and use log file for encode
    • Test_1080p_2P.mp4 — output file name
ffmpeg -y -i input.mp4 -c:v libx265  -b:v 1000k -pass 1 -f mp4 NUL && \
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libx265 -b:v 1000k -pass 2  output.mp4

VP9 #

The VP* family of codecs was acquired by Google when they bought On2 Technologies in 2010.

Before the Alliance for Open Media and the AV1 Codec, VP9 was Google's top of the line codec and it was used to encode YouTube videos with large numbers of views. With newer codecs like x265/HEVC and AV1 being supported in browsers, selection is more complicated than perhaps it's necessary...

Relying on VP9 defaults #

As with all the codecs we will start with a default encoding.

The only detail worth mentioning is the value for the video codec: libvpx-vp9. The -vp9 part is important. If you leave it out, FFmpeg will encode the video using the older VP8 codec.

ffmpeg -i sources/shirushi-source.mp4 \
-c:v libvpx-vp9 shirushi-vp9.mp4

I did all my tests running on MP4 containers. However, for web deployment you're likely to need the WEBM container so the command would look like this:

ffmpeg -i sources/shirushi-source.mp4 \
-c:v libvpx-vp9 shirushi-vp9.webm

One pass #

parameter example description
-threads -thread 8 How many threads to use for encoding
-speed -speed 1 Encoding speed and quality (1 - 4)
-tile-columns -tile-columns 6 Number of tile columns to use, log2 (from -1 to 6)
-frame-parallel -frame-parallel 1 Enable frame parallel decodability features
-auto-alt-ref -auto-alt-ref 1 Enable use of alternate reference frames (2-pass only) (from -1 to 6)
-lag-in-frames -lag-in-frames 25 Maximum I-frame bitrate (pct) 0=unlimited (from -1 to INT_MAX)
-row-mt -row-mt 1 Enable row based multi-threading

The first example will encode the file to an MP4 container with a defined bitrate and all other default values.

ffmpeg -i sources/shirushi-source.mp4 \
-c:v libvpx-vp9 \
-b:v 1000k \

The next example is the WebM equivalent to the previous example.

ffmpeg -i sources/shirushi-source.mp4 \
-c:v libvpx-vp9 \
-b:v 1000k \

Two Pass #

When using 2-pass VP9 encoding, we generate the log file in the first pass with a combination of standard and VP9-specific settings.

The second pass will generate the result video generates the final video using the log generated in the first pass and the same parameters as the first pass.

I went into a lot more detail with codec-specific parameters in both passes.

ffmpeg -y -i sources/shirushi-source.mp4 \
-c:v libvpx-vp9 -pass 1 \
-b:v 1000K \
-c:a libopus \
-b:a 48000 \
-g 48 -keyint_min 48 \
-threads 8 \
-speed 4 \
-row-mt 1 \
-tile-columns 4 -f webm /dev/null && \

ffmpeg -i sources/shirushi-source.mp4 \
-c:v libvpx-vp9 -pass 2 \
-b:v 1000K \
-c:a libopus \
-b:a 48000 \
-minrate 1000K \
-maxrate 1500K -g 48 \
-keyint_min 48 -row-mt 1 \
-threads 8 -speed 2 \
-tile-columns 4 shirushi-vp9-2pass-optimized.webm

AV1 #

Av1 is an open, royalty-free video coding format initially designed for video transmissions over the Internet. It was developed as a successor to VP9 by the Alliance for Open Media (AOMedia), a consortium founded in 2015. (Source: Wikipedia)

Relying on AV1 defaults #

As we've done so far, we will start with the default values for the codec and output to an MP4 container.

ffmpeg -i sources/shirushi-source.mp4 -c:v libsvtav1 shirushi-av1.mp4

One pass #

parameter example description
-cpu -cpu 8 How many CPUs to use for encoding
-threads -thread 8 How many threads to use for encoding
-speed -speed 1 Encoding speed and quality (1 - 4)
-tile-columns -tile-columns 6 Number of tile columns to use
-tile-rows -tile-rows 0 Number of tile rows to use
-frame-parallel -frame-parallel 1 Enable frame parallel decodability features.
-auto-alt-ref -auto-alt-ref 1 Enable use of alternate reference frames in 2-pass
-lag-in-frames -lag-in-frames 25 Maximum I-frame bitrate
-row-mt -row-mt 1 Enable row based multi-threading
-g -g 60 Controls keyframes placement
-keyint_min -keyint_min 60 Sets the minimum distance between keyframes

This is similar to the default settings but we apply all the settings necessary to generate a better result with the single encoding pass.

A further exercise would be to remove each parameter and see if it produces a difference in encoding time or quality as measured with VMAF.

ffmpeg -y -i sources/shirushi-source.mp4 \
-c:v libsvtav1 \
-b:v 1000K \
-c:a copy \
-g 60 -keyint_min 60 \
-cpu-used 8 \
-auto-alt-ref 1 \
-threads 8 \
-tile-columns 1 -tile-rows 0 \
-row-mt 1 \
-lag-in-frames 25 shirushi-av1-1pass.mp4

Two Pass #

This is where I hit a rather serious snag in testing. 2-pass encoding is only supported with the older libaom codec. This is slower and will produce different results than the libsvtav1 codec that we've targeted.

Note that, because we tell FFmpeg to use 8 CPUs on the first pass and 4 CPUs this compression may take longer than expected and it may reduce your machine's performance during the encode process.

ffmpeg -y -i sources/shirushi-source.mp4 \
-c:v libaom-av1 \
-b:v 1000K \
-g 60 -keyint_min 60 \
-cpu-used 8 \
-auto-alt-ref 1 \
-threads 8 \
-tile-columns 1 -tile-rows 0 \
-row-mt 1 \
-lag-in-frames 25 \
-pass 1 -f mp4 NUL && \

ffmpeg -y -i sources/shirushi-source.mp4 \
-c:v libaom-av1 \
-b:v 1000K -maxrate 1500K \
-g 60 -keyint_min 60 \
-cpu-used 4 \
-auto-alt-ref 1 -threads 8 \
-tile-columns 1 -tile-rows 0 \
-row-mt 1 \
-lag-in-frames 25 \
-pass 2 shirushi-2pass-optimized-av1.mp4


parameter example description
-period -period 2 set intra frames refresh period in seconds
--vvenc-params -vvenc-params "decodingrefreshtype=idr" set the vvenc configuration using a :-separated list of key=value parameters

Versatile Video Coding (VVC), also known as H.266, ISO/IEC 23090-3, and MPEG-I Part 3, is a video compression standard finalized on 6 July 2020, by the Joint Video Experts Team (JVET) of the VCEG working group of ITU-T Study Group 16 and the MPEG working group of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29. It is the successor to High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC, also known as ITU-T H.265 and MPEG-H Part 2). It was developed with two primary goals – improved compression performance and support for a very broad range of applications. (Source: Wikipedia)

FFmpeg has only included support for VVC since version 7. Older versions may have no support or the support may be incomplete.

Since no browser supports VVC playback I thought about not including it but, in the end, I chose to include it as a testing tool to test the available tooling and because I did find a third-party standalone player that could play the format (VVC video and AAC audio in an MP4 container).

Be aware that, unless you have a powerful workstation to run the tests on, the results will be very slow so I would not try it with long clips unless you have the time to let the encoder run.

As for the command, the only peculiarity is using encoder-specific parameters inside vvenc-params. The -decodingrefreshtype=idr vvenc parameter creates a closed GOP where frames in the group can only reference other frames in the same group (See Closed GOP and Open GOP – Simplified Explanation for a more detailed explanation).

ffmpeg -y -i sources/shirushi-source.mp4 \
-c:v libvvenc \
-b:v 1000k \
-period 2 \
-vvenc-params "decodingrefreshtype=idr" shirushi-vvc.mp4

The 2-pass encoding has been more problematic. I used Jan Ozer's 2023 string from How to Produce VVC With FFmpeg but it appears that the VVC encoding plugin has changed considerably since the article was published and it took me a while to figure out what to keep and what to remove.

The final commands are shown below. They are optimized for VMAF testing and may not be appropriate for production applications.

ffmpeg -y -i sources/shirushi-source.mp4 \
-c:a copy \
-c:v libvvenc \
-vvenc-params "decodingrefreshtype=idr" \
-qpa 0 \
-pass 1 \
-b:v 1000k \
-period 2 \
-f mp4 null  && \

ffmpeg -i sources/shirushi-source.mp4 \
-c:a copy \
-c:v libvvenc \
-vvenc-params "decodingrefreshtype=idr" \
-qpa 0 \
-pass 2 \
-b:v 1000k \
-period 2 shirushi_vvc_2pass.mp4

Now that we're done with encoding specific commands, let's look at a couple other things we might want to do with the videos, either as steps before (resizing) or after (running a VMAF test) the encoding.

Resizing Videos #

Resizing the video is necessary to make sure we deliver the best possible experience for our users. No matter how much we compress the video, there is never a reason to send a 1200x1600 pixel video to mobile users.

FFmpeg provides

ffmpeg -i sources/shirushi-source.mp4 \
-c:v libx264 \
-vf "scale=800x600" \

VMAF Quality Measurement #

Video Multimethod Assessment Fusion (VMAF) is an objective full-reference video quality metric developed by Netflix in cooperation with the University of Southern California, The IPI/LS2N lab Nantes Université, and the Laboratory for Image and Video Engineering (LIVE) at The University of Texas at Austin. It predicts subjective video quality based on a reference and distorted video sequence. The metric can be used to evaluate the quality of different video codecs, encoders, encoding settings, or transmission variants. (Source: Wikipedia)

For our testing, the reference video is our original source and the distorted video is the compressed version. Note that the order of the files matter.

ffmpeg -y -i shirushi-vvc.mp4 \
-i sources/shirushi-source.mp4 \
-lavfi libvmaf=log_path=vvc-output.xml \
-f mp4 ./null

Final Thoughts #

As long as this post is, it barely scratches the surface of using FFmpeg to encode video and testing your encoding settings to determine your optimal encoding for each video you want to publish.

There is plenty to do in this area. In the next post I'll cover the video html tag and how to best use it to present the videos we've encoded.

References #

  1. Supported only on devices with hardware decoder, e.g. M3 MacBook Pro, etc. ↩︎ ↩︎

  2. Supported only on devices with hardware decoder, currently the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  3. Supported for devices with hardware support on Windows only. Enabled by default in Nightly and can be enabled via the media.wmf.hevc.enabled pref in about:config. 10-bit or higher colors are not supported. ↩︎

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