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Installing manual dependecies in Homebrew

In macOS we have a few disadvantages when it comes to software version management. The good thing is that macOS developer tools do come with versions of Python and other software bundled as part of...

Managing CSS support in Javascript

Javascript has access to the conditional CSS tools that we have to work when working directly with CSS. This post will cover matchMedia (script support for media queries) and CSS.Supports...

Using Page Visibility

The PageVisibility API lets your application know when a page is visible to the user. While this information may seem irrelevant it enables the creation of Web pages that behave differently when they...

When to deploy a feature in production

What browsers should we support? This is an interesting question: What browsers should we support? This is a deceptively simple question to ask and even harder to answer. This post will try to address...

Placing items in grids

Working with grids on web content can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be. This post will cover different ways to place content on a grid and what would you use them for. The idea is to...

Animating display none and height auto

New properties and functions will enable you to animate properties that, until now, were not animatable. We'll look at the following properties: transition-behavior calc-size() @starting-style used...

Initial, Inherit, Unset and Revert

There are four properties that I've always been curious and confused about: initial inherit unset revert These values are specified in the Values and Units Module Level 4 specification. Resetting a...

Understanding the gap property

The gap property has evolved considerably and has become easier to work with. This post will discuss the evolution of creating gaps in content and how to use the gap property. In the early days of...

CSS length units

Many CSS properties accept numbers as values. Whether these values are whole numbers, decimals, fractions or percentages. Whatever they are, the unit following a number determines its computed...

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