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The Publishing Project

Revisiting Material Design For The Web

Material Design 3 is a very good design library coming from Google and it's the latest version of their Material Design design language. There are versions of Material for all the languages and...

Ruby on Rails for Javascript?

Laravel for PHP and Ruby on Rails for Ruby provide a full set of opinionated, 'batteries included' of tools, libraries and processes to create web applications. In Why We Don't Have a Laravel For...

Things to do for the blog

I've been busy writing content but there are things that I'm either long overdue in implementing or want to explore. This should keep me busy when no writing posts and working on other projects. Dark...

Import Maps Are Ready For Use

Import maps allow developers to instead specify arbitrary text in the module specifier when importing a module; the map provides a corresponding value that will replace the text when the module URL is...

Web Components FTW!

Web Components have come a long way since they were introduced and the original Polymer library made them useful for non-experts. Since the landscape has changed so much, we'll look at some of the new...

What is a URL? Why it matters

Whether we know it or not we work with URLs all the time. Whenever we enter a web address into the browser's omni-bar, click on a link on a web page or click on an email link, all those are...

Rethinking CSS Patterns

There are many ways we can improve our CSS, both in terms of readability and ease of use. This post will discuss some of these new ways of doing things and start thinking about ways to incorporate...

Scroll-Based Animations

With scroll-based animations, you can create animations that will trigger based on page scrolling rather than based on time. The Scroll-driven Animations Specification defines two new types of...

Looping Through Nested JSON Objects

Looping through a flat JSON file is easy, doing the same through a nested JSON object, is not so easy. There is no built-in way to loop through nested arrays of JSON properties so we have to develop...

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