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Configurable Reading Options

In Using Sliders in Javascript we saw how we can use sliders to control aspects of a user interface. This post will expand on the content from the previous post and build a full configuration panel...

Using Sliders in Javascript

When doing interactive demos or building preferences panels we may need to create sliders to set values for the associated properties. This post will cover how to configure an HTML slider and how to...

The future of Firefox

A while back I came across Firefox on the brink?. In the article, the author wonders if we're seeing the final decline of Firefox. According to the article, the US Web Design System provides a set of...

Creating Gradient-Colored Text

In addition to black and white or single, solid-color text, we can also use gradients to color the text. The process is slightly more complicated than just assigning color to the desired element. We...

Publishing NPM modules

Publishing NPM modules has become progessively more complex over time (go figure). We now have to contend with ESM versus Common JS, Typescript versus Javascript, setting a default module type, and...

Alt text in CSS background images

One of the biggest issues I have when using CSS background images, is that we can't add alt text to images used as background image sets. a new feature has become newly available in Baseline that...

Multilingual Bundles

Working with international websites can be challenging since there are many aspects that we need to address. This post will cover a simple way to add internationalized messages available in multiple...

Destructuring in Javascript

Destructuring is an alternative way to assign properties from an objecct or array. The traditional way to assign items to an array is using bracker [] notation. This example sets constatn to specific...

Creating A Default Pen for Codepen

Most of the time I create a pen in Codepen to validate the code I'm working with. I've found myself constantly repeating the same CSS and the same HTML multiple times. It gets tiresome and it can lead...

Webcodecs API

WebCodecs is an interesting API. It enhances existing video codecs and allows for video-based applications. This post will cover the API and how it works. What is the WebCodecs API # The WebCodecs API...

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